Wednesday, September 30, 2009

an oldie...

but goodie.

This picture was taken almost a year ago of one of my favorite, favorite dresses! I always feel like a Japanese Lolita whenever I wear it. It's hard to see details(my camera likes to act up!), but it's a sweet shear polka dot dress with lace trim.

Dress: Thrifted

Shoes: Thrifted

Headband: H&M

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Recently there has been a slight heatwave in SF. It's such a wonderful treat for us San Franciscans who usually wear tights, coats, and even scarves in the summertime! I definitely love warm days that allow me to wear dreamy summer dresses.
Dress: vintage
Cardigan: thrifted

Monday, September 28, 2009

new kid in town

Hi there! I'm Kokoro and I'm taking a leap into the world of blogs. I've tried before, but have been intimidated, or lazy. So now I'm trying once more. Lately I've been inspired by many other lovely bloggers such as Strawberry Koi, Sally Jane Vintage, Liebemarlene Vintage, Elinkan, among so many others!! I hope to be apart of this lovely community.

What I'm wearing:
*Cardigan-Red Rubber Ball(from Kyoto)
*Handemade hair pin